How To Train Kelso Cockfighting Rooster Breeds Correctly

How To Train Kelso Cockfighting Rooster Breeds Correctly
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Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds are a typical American cockfighting breed, famous for their intelligence and versatility. In this article, news fb777 will share the methods of training and caring for this type of chicken to achieve the best effect when competing.

The most accurate Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds training method

Training and physical training methods help chickens improve strength, improve endurance and move more quickly. Here are some exercises that monks often apply:

Feeding chickens in cages

This is a basic exercise that most players do to exercise and strengthen the legs of Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds. The best time to start your workout is early in the morning. Before running, chickens need to be gently massaged to warm up their bodies and relax their muscles. Then, do the same with the other chickens and place them in two separate cages.

Feeding chickens in cages
Feeding chickens in cages

When they see the enemy, the fighting instinct inside them will flare up. Because they can’t get out, the chickens will only run in circles, flying around in the cage. The monk should maintain this state for about 30 minutes before resting the chicken.

Free-fall chickens

To achieve the best performance, Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds must have healthy legs. Free-fall leg exercises are an effective method to improve the fitness and strength of the legs. Note, do not choose places with hard ground or stones to perform this exercise.

First, you need to hug tightly to the chicken breast. Then, lift it up to about 30cm above the ground and release it freely. Moving on, familiarize the chickens with the falling velocity. When chickens can do more than 100 reps per day, this is also when they are ready for the fight. Surely this move will make Kelso more agile and fierce in the match.

Practice processing in a confined space

Training within the prescribed range helps Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds get used to dangerous situations. The trainer will proceed by placing the wrist near the chicken body, using the chicken leg as a pillar, then turning the body. 

Pay attention to adjust the rotation speed to suit the capabilities of the strategy. This technique should be practiced regularly, about 5 minutes a day, and can be combined with other methods to improve the effectiveness of the exercise.

How to effectively care for Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds

If you want to train chickens effectively, it is extremely necessary to take preventive measures. Here are the experiences that help ensure the health of chickens:

Provide adequate nutrition 

In addition to training techniques, it is also necessary to combine additional nutrients for chickens. Food must be nutritious and comply with hygiene and safety rules. 


Starch is found in foods such as rice, rice, and nuts. In addition to providing starch, these foods also add protein to help promote health and fitness for Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds. Using the above foods helps the chicken’s muscles grow strongly, and the ability to withstand blows is also better.

Starch cockfighting rooster breeds
Starch cockfighting rooster breeds

Minerals and vitamins 

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that are very important in the development of chickens. Helps improve digestion, remove toxins and regulate body temperature during the summer.

These substances are often found in vegetables such as water spinach, cabbage, bean sprouts,… Millets can be chopped and mixed with other food or fed directly. Absolutely do not feed chickens tomatoes because it affects the chicken’s intestines.

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The vaccination schedule should be clearly defined based on the age of the chickens and the stage of development. Usually the vaccination will start from the time the eggs are incubated and continue after the chickens start eating. You need to strictly follow the regulations to make sure Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds are vaccinated at the right time.

Health Check-up 

Periodic health checks for chickens are an important part of the care process. Here are some common diseases to watch for:

Newcastle (ND) is a disease that quickly kills chickens. Symptoms include the chicken stops eating, the kite is swollen, the chicken’s head falls to the side, the pee is bloody, the legs are paralyzed, and the beak head collapses. ND can spread very quickly.

Gumboro affects the immune system of Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds with recognizable signs such as shaggy hair, blurred eyes, shaky gait, and thin white stools. 

Chickenpox is a disease that makes it difficult for chickens to breathe, often manifested by wheezing each time, purple crests and can die after a few hours. This is a dangerous disease and needs to be treated promptly.

Health Check-up 
Health Check-up 

Care and isolation

When detecting any infected chickens, separate them from the others immediately. Doing this helps prevent the spread of the disease and keeps healthy chickens free from infection. After that, inject pesticides according to the guidance of experts or veterinarians so that the disease can be treated and the spread is limited.


The above article has shared with you the training methods and how to raise Kelso cockfighting rooster breeds effectively. Don’t forget to follow fb-777 org ph regularly to update good chicken news every day!

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